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Father Testa will arrange for a one hour meeting to get to know the couple as well as introduce himself.  He will also walk the couple through the service.  The ceremony is a Christian ceremony of marriage provided to those of every Christian denomination as well as interfaith couples.


For couples prefering a more traditional Catholic service, a copy of Together for Life will be provided for use in planning the wedding service.  It is a booklet which includes all the prayers and readings of the Catholic ritual for weddings.

The Big Day


Prior to the big day, you will be guided through the ceremony so that you feel comfortable with the procedings.  


Father Testa will go out of his way to ensure that your wedding day goes smoothly and is stress free.  He will arrive at least thirty to forty-five minutes ahead of time to take care of any last minute issues as well as coordinate with other key players from the venue.

After the Big Day


While the two of you are off enjoying your honeymoon, Father Testa will take care of filing the marriage certificate with the proper municipality.  As well as recieving an official copy of your marriage licence, Father Testa will provide you with a personalized certificate, professionally completed in caligraphy, as a keepsake and special momento of your wedding day.

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